Affliated to Annamalai University
The college has a well trained, efficient and devoted staff, a well equipped and spacious library and well furnished... View More
To strive to maintain high standard and make continual improvements in all its activities and attain 100 % success... View More
To provide quality education which would make learning effective. Education should be such that the student should... View More
Each and every student bring their identity card issued by the institution on all working day. Students should enter... View More
The College has been awarded the ‘Clean and Green Campus’ for the very clean, green and beautiful campus providing... View More
The aim of Bharathi Educational Institutions is to mould the student as not only a professional success but... View More
Education is all about creating an environment of academic freedom, where bright minds meet, discover and learn. One would experience top of the world living and learning experience at Bharathi.
I am pleased to share my enthusiasm for the college and its people. We are proud of one academic execellance, workforce development and community involvement... View More
Our college has been developed to provide education with discipline to the dream characters of Bharathi. Though there is so much to share on I suggest you to surf... View More
The College with its motto “Knowledge is Power” aims at the holistic personality development of the students by inculcating in them a sense of human values, a spirit of... View More
Developing the students knowladge of Tamil literature in all levels and make the students efficiant in global compettion. To deliver quality education...
DetailsTo deliver quality education of international standard and produce students competent in Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing skills...
DetailsComputer Science Education aims to publish high-quality teachers . The classes are conducted with the LCD Projectors. To provide high academic goals ...
DetailsThe department of commerce is to equip students with analytical tools required for business management in today's highly competitive...
DetailsChemistry is the foremost of all biological sciences that focused in Drug Designing, Environmental monitoring, Forensic science and Plant science...
DetailsA student of Mathematics with good analytical skills and logical reasoning can excel in any walk of life. The Department of Mathematics focuses on pure...
DetailsMicrobiology is the study of microorganisms. Microbiology typically includes the study of the immune system. Generally, immune systems...
DetailsOur students
Our teachers
Our staffs
the ‘Clean and Green Campus’ for the very clean, green & beautiful campus
The National Cadet Corps is headed by a Director General, an Army Officer of the rank of Lieutanant General, who is responsible for the functioning of the National Cadet Corps in the country through the parade. National Cadet Corps Headquarters situated at Delhi.
The Ministry of Education introduced the National Service Scheme during 1969. The choice of the timing of its introduction was remarkably auspicious as 1969 was the birth century year of Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the Nation to whom service was almost a religion.
Youth Red Cross was started with 50 students in the year 2002-2003. Every year the student strength has increased. It has provided various services like donating goods to needy people. AIDS Awareness Programme, Tree Plantation, First Aid Training Programme.
Social Work is a professional and academic discipline that seeks to improve the quality of life and wellbeing of individuals, groups, and communities. The discipline prepares and equips students with necessary skills and competencies
Your goal must be set. You should be able to handle the time management challenges. Be focused & concentrated. You must be able to prioritize the work (which will do first and the second), and bend forwards scheduling.